Supercharged data science notebooks for teams
The data science solution with
to try it out
Supercharged notebook environment
We took the Jupyter notebook experience and reimagined it. Instead of traditional executable cells, CodeDown embraces the simplicity of freeform text.
    Industrial-strength IDE features

    CodeDown brings the tools of professional software engineers to the world of data science.

    WYSIWYG editing of Markdown and LaTeX

    Make your notebooks into beautiful documents with explanatory text and media

    Integrated package management

    Install and manage system or language packages. Fully reproducible.

    Multiple programming languages

    Mix and match languages like Python, R, Julia, and SQL in a single notebook.

    Fully functional terminals

    Monitor processes, manipulate data, and even run full text editors like Emacs and vim.

Next-level collaboration features
We believe data science collaboration should be as smooth and easy as on enterprise document systems like Google Docs
    Real-time collaborative editing

    Edit notebooks and terminal commands together with coworkers. Seamlessly execute code cells.

    Commenting and @-mentions

    Add comments to text and code. Ping co-workers with @-mention messages (coming soon)

    Sharing and forking

    Control access to your notebooks with fine-grained permissions. Clone other notebooks with full reproducibility.

    Full edit history

    View all text edits and code executions in a news feed and revert to snapshots


    Share your work with your team on individual profile pages

Easy installation and powerful administration
CodeDown can be installed on Kubernetes infrastructure with a single command. You can easily manage and track nodes, CPUs, memory, disk usage, and more. Or, let us run it for you in hosted mode.
    Centralized admin view

    Easily view and manage users, sandboxes, and nodes.

    Move sandboxes around between nodes

    Want to run your notebook on a more powerful node? Transparently move it with the push of a button.

    Custom sandboxes

    Configure sandboxes to automatically load code repositories and database credentials.

    Recurring execution and dashboards

    Run notebooks with different parameters and generate live-updated dashboard from them.

Install today on your team's Kubernetes infrastructure
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